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Data Fetch


Endpoint : GetClientDetails

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Basic Client Data from UCC | Get some clients details from a Date filter | Get All clientS

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"ucc": "<<UCC>>",
"dRegDateFrom": "<<yyyy-MM-dd>>"
"isOnline" : "1" Online client (must provide UCC)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"ucc": "151A355", OR
"dRegDateFrom": "2019-05-01"
Get some clients from this date
JSon Response:
M : Male,
F : Female,
N : None

01 : Married,
02 : Single,
03 : Widow / Widower
04 : Divorce


"ClientID": "CA00000013",
"Ucc": "151A355 ",
"Branchid": "SB01",
"ClientName": "ABHIJIT MANDAL",
"FatherNm": "ANANDI MANDAL",
"Gender": "M ",
"MaritalStatus": "01 ",
"Address": "6A WINDSOR",
"Address2": "FLAT NO 104",
"Address3": "WINDSOR PALACE",
"City": "KOLKATA",
"PinCode": " 700019 ",
"Telephonenumber": "855225788",
"MobileNumber": "9521452222",
"StateId": "WB",
"Country": "INDIA",
"Res_Address1": "6A, WINDSOR",
"Res_Address2": "FLAT NO D 104",
"Res_Address3": "WINDSOR PALACE",
"Res_City": "KOLKATA",
"Res_PinCode": " 700019",
"Res_Phone": "8227612",
"Res_StateId": "WB ",
"Res_Country": "INDIA",
"PanNumber": "NKTPS5229P",
"BirthDate": "1979-12-03T00:00:00",
"dopeningDate": "2002-01-28T00:00:00",
"EmailAddress": "",
"ClientCat": "01",
"dpid": "IN308555",
"dpac": "10085555",
"bankname": "HDFC BANK",
"bankaccount": "008855531772",
"BankAcType": "Savings ",
"BankClientName": "ABHIJIT SHAH",
"micr": "101254453 ",
"ifsc": "HDFC0000150",
"cStatus": "ACTIVE",
"AnnualIncome": "Rs. 1000000 - 2500000",
"RMCode": null,
"RMName": null
"CTCLSystems": " ",
"NomOptoutDt": "2023-03-21T00:00:00"


Endpoint : GetClientBankDetails

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Client Bank Details

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"ucc": "<<UCC>>"
"isOnline" : "1" Online client (must provide UCC)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"ucc": "151A355"
JSon Response:
"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "151A355",
"Primarybankname": "HDFC BANK",
"Primarybankaccount": "0081840000189 ",
"PrimaryBankifsc": "HDFC0000008",
"Secondarybankname1": "INDUSIND BANK",
"Secondarybankaccount1": "779830706693 ",
"SecondaryBankifsc1": "INDB0000161",
"Secondarybankname2": "YES BANK LTD ",
"Secondarybankaccount2": "019090100008798 ",
"SecondaryBankifsc2": "YESB0000190",
"Secondarybankname3": null,
"Secondarybankaccount3": null,
"SecondaryBankifsc3": null,
"Secondarybankname4": null,
"Secondarybankaccount4": null,
"SecondaryBankifsc4": null


Endpoint : GetClientDPDetails

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Client DP Details

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"ucc": "<<UCC>>"
"isOnline" : "1" Online client (must provide UCC)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"ucc": "220A2806"
JSon Response:
"ClientID": "CA00000010",
"Ucc": "220A2806",
"PrimaryDPID": "12079876",
"PrimaryAccount": "00103241",
"PrimaryPOA": true,
"SecondaryDpId1": null,
"SecondaryAccount1": null,
"SecondaryPOA1": null,
"SecondaryDpId2": null,
"SecondaryAccount2": null,
"SecondaryPOA2": null,
"SecondaryDpId3": null,
"SecondaryAccount3": null,
"SecondaryPOA3": null


Endpoint : GetClientLedgerBalances

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Client Ledger Balances

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"ucc": "<<UCC>>"
"isOnline" : "1" Online client (must provide UCC)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"ucc": "0955"
JSon Response:
"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"segment": "NFO ",
"balance": 0.00

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"segment": "NSE ",
"balance": 273032.16

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"segment": "BSE ",
"balance": 0.00


Endpoint : GetClientSegmentStatus

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Client Segment Status

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"ucc": "<<UCC>>"
"isOnline" : "1" Online client (must provide UCC)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"ucc": "0955"
JSon Response:
"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "BFO ",
"status": "NotRegistered"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "NSE ",
"status": "Active"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "CBFO",
"status": "NotRegistered"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "NMFS",
"status": "NotRegistered"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "MCFO",
"status": "NotRegistered"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "NCFO",
"status": "Suspended"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "ACC ",
"status": "Closed"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "NFO ",
"status": "Suspended"

"ClientID": "CA00000011",
"Ucc": "0955",
"Segment": "BSE ",
"status": "Active"



Endpoint : GetClientLast10Deposits

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Client Last 10 Deposits

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"ucc": "<<UCC>>"
"isOnline" : "1" Online client (must provide UCC)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"ucc": "179S3855"
JSon Response:

Return Sample Data

"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "R/00019",
"VrDt": "2020-07-02T00:00:00",
"Amount": 101931.00,
"CheqNo": "TPT ",
"CheqDt": "2020-07-02T00:00:00",
"NARR2": ""

"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "R/00023",
"VrDt": "2020-06-29T00:00:00",
"Amount": 46199.00,
"CheqNo": "TPT ",
"CheqDt": "2020-06-29T00:00:00",
"NARR2": ""

"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "R/00021",
"VrDt": "2020-06-25T00:00:00",
"Amount": 78926.00,
"CheqNo": "TPT ",
"CheqDt": "2020-06-25T00:00:00",
"NARR2": ""


"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "R/00009",
"VrDt": "2020-06-20T00:00:00",
"Amount": 84169.00,
"CheqNo": "TPT ",
"CheqDt": "2020-06-20T00:00:00",
"NARR2": ""

"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "R/00034",
"VrDt": "2020-06-18T00:00:00",
"Amount": 30733.00,
"CheqNo": "TPT ",
"CheqDt": "2020-06-18T00:00:00",
"NARR2": ""
"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "R/00016",
"VrDt": "2020-06-17T00:00:00",
"Amount": 35750.00,
"CheqNo": "TPT ",
"CheqDt": "2020-06-17T00:00:00",
"NARR2": ""
"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "R/00039",
"VrDt": "2020-06-15T00:00:00",
"Amount": 28851.00,
"CheqNo": "TPT ",
"CheqDt": "2020-06-15T00:00:00",
"NARR2": ""



Endpoint : GetClientLast10Withdrawals

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Client Last 10 Withdrawals

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"ucc": "<<UCC>>"
"isOnline" : "1" Online client (must provide UCC)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"ucc": "179S3855"
JSon Response:

Return Sample Data

"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "P/00013",
"VrDt": "2020-06-03T00:00:00",
"Amount": 83901.00,
"CheqNo": "STP ",
"CheqDt": "2020-06-03T00:00:00",
"NARR1": " transferred to a/c no.
50100175757268 of Hdfc Bank Ltd.
"NARR2": "Being Amount paid to client on 03/06/20"
"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "P/00045",
"VrDt": "2020-05-29T00:00:00",
"Amount": 78902.00,
"CheqNo": "STP ",
"CheqDt": "2020-05-29T00:00:00",
"NARR1": " transferred to a/c no.
50100175757268 of Hdfc Bank Ltd.
"NARR2": "Being Amount paid to client on 29/05/20"
"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "P/00018",
"VrDt": "2020-05-15T00:00:00",
"Amount": 107650.88,
"CheqNo": "STP ",
"CheqDt": "2020-05-15T00:00:00",
"NARR1": " transferred to a/c no.
50100175757268 of Hdfc Bank Ltd.
"NARR2": "Being Amount paid to client on 15/05/20"
"ClientID": "CV00000022",
"Ucc": "179S3855",
"VrNo": "P/00012",
"VrDt": "2020-04-17T00:00:00",
"Amount": 85983.43,
"CheqNo": "STP ",
"CheqDt": "2020-04-17T00:00:00",
"NARR1": " transferred to a/c no.
50100175757268 of Hdfc Bank Ltd.
"NARR2": ""




Endpoint : getKRAPhotoIdProofList

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get KRAPhotoIdProofCode list | Get KRAPhotoIdProofCode search by Descr

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cSystem" : "<<CDSL OR NSDL>>",
"cSearch": "<<Search by descr>>"
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cSystem" : "CDSL", * Optional
( If not send then show CDSL data)
JSon Response:

Return Data Sample :

"CODE": "01 ",
"CODE": "02 ",
"CODE": "03 ",
"DESCR": "Passport "
"CODE": "04 ",
"DESCR": "Driving License "
"CODE": "05 ",
"DESCR": "Voter Identity Card "
"CODE": "06 ",
"DESCR": "ID Card with photo issued by Central /
State Government and its Departments "
"CODE": "07 ",
"DESCR": "ID Card with photo issued by Statutory /
Regulatory Authorities"
"CODE": "08 ",
"DESCR": "ID Card with photo issued by
Public Sector Undertakings "
"CODE": "09 ",
"DESCR": "ID Card with photo issued by
Scheduled Commercial Banks "
"CODE": "10 ",
"DESCR": "ID Card with photo issued by
Public Financial Institutions "
"CODE": "11 ",
"DESCR": "ID Card with photo issued by
Colleges affiliated to Universities "
"CODE": "12 ",
"DESCR": "ID Card with photo issued by Professional
Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI,
Bar Council etc. to their Members"
"CODE": "13 ",
"DESCR": "Credit cards/Debit cards issued by Banks


Endpoint : getKRAAddressProofList

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get KRAAddressProofCode | Get KRAAddressProofCode search by Descr

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cSystem" : "<<CDSL OR NSDL>>",
"cSearch": "<<Search by descr>>"
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0="
JSon Response:

Return Data Sample:

"CODE": "01",
"DESCR": "Passport"
"CODE": "02",
"DESCR": "Driving License"
"CODE": "03",
"DESCR": "Latest Bank Passbook"
"CODE": "04",
"DESCR": "Bank Account Statement / Passbook"
"CODE": "05",
"DESCR": "Latest Demat Account Statement
(Should not be Older than 3 Months)"
"CODE": "06",
"DESCR": "Voter Identity Card"
"CODE": "07",
"DESCR": "Ration Card"
"CODE": "08",
"DESCR": "Registered Lease or
Sale Agreement of Residence"
"CODE": "09",
"DESCR": "Latest LandLine Telephone Bill
(Should not be Older than 3 Months)"
"CODE": "10",
"DESCR": "Latest Electricity Bill
(Should not be Older than 3 Months)"
"CODE": "11 ",
"DESCR": "Gas Bill
(Should not be Older than 3 Months)"
"CODE": "12",
"DESCR": "Registration Certificate issued
under Shops and Establishment"
"CODE": "13",
"DESCR": "Flat Maintenance bill
(Should not be Older than 3 Months)"
"CODE": "14",
"DESCR": "Insurance Copy"
"CODE": "15",
"DESCR": "Self Declaration by
High Court / Supreme Court Judges"
"CODE": "16",
"DESCR": "Power of Attorney given by
FII/sub-account to the Custodians
( which are during notarized
and/or apostiled or consularized )"
"CODE": "17",
"DESCR": "Proof of Address issued by
Bank Managers of Scheduled Commercial Banks"
"CODE": "18",
"DESCR": "Proof of address issued by
Elected representatives to the
Legislature Assembly"
"CODE": "19",
"DESCR": "Proof of Address issued
by Parliament"
"CODE": "20",
"DESCR": "Proof of Address issued by
any Government / Statutory Authority"
"CODE": "21",
"DESCR": "Proof of Address issued
by Notary Public"
"CODE": "22",
"DESCR": "Proof of Address issued
by Gazetted Officer"
"CODE": "23",
"DESCR": "ID Card with address issued by
Central / State Government and
its Departments"
"CODE": "24",
"DESCR": "ID Card with address issued by
Statutory / Regulatory Authorities"
"CODE": "25",
"DESCR": "ID Card with address issued
by Public Sector Undertakings"
"CODE": "26",
"DESCR": "ID Card with address issued
by Scheduled Commercial Banks"
"CODE": "27",
"DESCR": "ID Card with address issued
by Public Financial Institution"
"CODE": "28",
"DESCR": "ID Card with address issued
by Colleges affiliated to Universities"
"CODE": "29",
"DESCR": "ID Card issued by Professional
Bodies such as ICAI,
ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council etc"
"CODE": "31",
"DESCR": "UID/ Aadhaar"


Endpoint : getKRAStateCodeList

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get KRAStateCode | Get all KRAStateCode list | Get KRAStateCode search by Descr

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cSystem" : "<<CDSL OR NSDL>>",
"cSearch": "<<Search by descr>>"
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cSearch": "West Bengal" * Optional
( If not send then show all states)
JSon Response:
"CODE": "19",
"DESCR": "West Bengal "


Endpoint : getKRAStateCityList

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

  • Get KRAStateCityCode list | Get KRAStateCityCode search by descr*
Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cSearch": "<<Search by descr>>"
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cSearch": "Kolkata" * Optional
( If not send then show all state city)
JSon Response:
"KraStateCity": "17102",


Endpoint : getKRACountryCodeList

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get KRA Country Code list | Get KRA Country Code search by descr

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cSystem" : "<<CDSL OR NSDL>>",
"cSearch": "<<Search by descr>>""
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cSystem" : "NSDL", * Optional
( If not send then show CDSL data)
"cSearch": "India " * Optional
( If not send then show all Country)
JSon Response:
"CODE": "101",
"DESCR": "India "


Endpoint : getBranchesList

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get Branches Details | Get all Branch Id list | Get Branch search by Descr, BranchId, Pin, City

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cSearch": "<<Search by BranchName>>",
"cBranchId": "<<Search by BranchId>>",
"cPin": "<<Search by Pin>>",
"cCity": "<<Search by City>>",
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cSearch": "INDORE " * Optional
( If not send then show all Branch)
JSon Response:
"BranchId": "001 ",
"BranchName": "HNI BHATTER SIR [001] ",
"Status": "ONLINE ",
"Address1": "202-A BLOCK,SILVER MALL 8-A,
"Address2": " ",
"Address3": "",
"Pin": "452001 "
"BranchId": "006 ",
"BranchName": "YOGESH MUNDRA [ZY006]",
"Status": " ",
"Address1": "202-A BLOCK,SILVER MALL
"Address2": "-452001",
"Address3": "",
"Pin": "452001 "


Endpoint : getUCCSUBCDbyMobile

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get UCC and SUBCD search by Mobile

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cMobile": "<<Search by Mobile>>",
"OnlineOnly": "1"
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cMobile": "7338789003", * Optional
( If not send then get all records
which are not have primary mobile)
"OnlineOnly": "1" * Optional
( For ignore Offline Clients sent value 1)
JSon Response:
"OfflineClient": (false | true),
"ClientStatus": ("ACTIVE" | "INACTIVE" ),
"Mobile": (Primary Mobile)
"MobileSec1": (Secondary Mobile 1),
"MobileSec2": (Secondary Mobile 2)
"UCC": "99024364",
"SUBCD": "C.00000002",
"ClientName": "HARISH MALLYA",
"OfflineClient": false,
"ClientStatus": "ACTIVE",
"Mobile": "7338789003",
"MobileSec1": "",
"MobileSec2": ""


Endpoint : getUCCSUBCDbyEmail

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

Get UCC and SUBCD search by Email

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cMobile": "<<Search by Mobile>>",
"OnlineOnly": "1"
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cEmail": "", * Optional
( If not send then get all records
which are don't have primary email)
"OnlineOnly": "1" * Optional
( For ignore Offline Clients sent value 1)
JSon Response:
"OfflineClient": (false | true),
"ClientStatus": ("ACTIVE" | "INACTIVE" ),
"Email": (Primary Email)
"EmailStat": (Like: Me, Family)
"UCC": "99028380",
"SUBCD": "C.00000004",
"ClientName": ". BABLI",
"OfflineClient": false,
"ClientStatus": "ACTIVE",
"Email": "",
"EmailStat": "Me" ( If value is blank its
mean it's also Me/Self)


Endpoint : GetFirstLastTradedDateSegmentWise

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body

To return the First and Last traded date in each segment for a particular UCC or search by multiple UCC

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"UCC": "<<UCC>>", OR "SUBCD"

"UCCList": ["<<UCC>>","<<UCC>>"]
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"UCC": "A109", OR "SUBCD": "CA00000708"

"UCCList": ["A109","A135","A98","A37","A93"]
JSon Response:
"SUBCD": "CA00000005",
"UCC": "A109 ",
"ClientName": "ABHIJIT GHOSH",
"BranchID": "EB01",
"FirstTradeDate": "2021-01-25T00:00:00",
"LastTradeDate": "2021-01-25T00:00:00",
"Segment": "BSE "
"SUBCD": "CA00000005",
"UCC": "A109 ",
"ClientName": "ABHIJIT GHOSH",
"BranchID": "EB01",
"FirstTradeDate": "2021-01-07T00:00:00",
"LastTradeDate": "2021-08-20T00:00:00",
"Segment": "NSE "


Endpoint : getClientNomineeCM_old

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body (Obsolete in SharePro no need to use now)
Client’s get Client Nominee details linked to the trading account

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"UCC": "<<UCC>>" OR "SUBCD" * mandatory
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"UCC": "Z999"
JSon Response:
"UCC": "<<UCC>>",
"NomineeNm": "<<char(40)>>", Nominee Name
"NomineeRel" : "<<char(40)>>", Nominee Relation
"NomineeAdd1" : "<<char(40)>>",
"NomineeAdd2" : "<<char(40)>>",
"NomineeAdhar" : "<<char(12)>>",
"NomineeCity" : "<<char(20)>>",
"NomineeEmail" : "<<char(40)>>",
"NomineePan" : "<<char(10)>>",
"NomineePhone" : "<<char(20)>>",
"NomineePin" : "<<char(20)>>"

"UCC": "Z999",
"SUBCD": "C997254753",
"NomineeNm": "KAVITA HP SEN",
"NomineeRel": "Wife",
"NomineeAdd1": "15/12, Dr SEN Road",
"NomineeAdd2": "GolPark",
"NomineeAdhar": "529874145551",
"NomineeCity": "Kolkata",
"NomineeEmail": "",
"NomineePan": "BVIPP6925V",
"NomineePhone": "9855558252",
"NomineePin": "700019"



Endpoint : getClientNomineeCM

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body
Client’s get Client Nominees details linked to the trading account

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"UCC": "<<UCC>>" OR "SUBCD" * mandatory
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"UCC": "Z999"
JSon Response:
"UCC": "<<UCC>>",
"EffectDate": "<<yyyy-MM-dd>>",
"NomineeNo": "<<1 to 3>>",
"Prefix": <<MR, MRS, etc>>>,
"Descr": "<<Nominee Name>>",
"Percent": "<<Nominee percentage>>", Like : “50.00”
"Relation": "<<Nominee Relation>>", Like :”Son”
"State", (West Bengal : WB) Please refer to
getStateCodeList call to get a list of States with the broker.
"Country", Like : "IN" OR “India”
"IdType": "<<ID PROOF>>",
"D" : Driving License,
"F" : NREGA Job Card,
"Z" : Others,
"C" : PAN,
"A" : Passport,
"S02" : Simple/SimplifiedID issued by a Gazetted Officer,
"S01" : SSId Issued by CG/SG/SB/RA/PSU/SCB/PFI,
"B" : Voter Identity Card

"IdNumber": "<<ID PROOF No>>", Like : for AADHAR its UID
"IsMinor": "1: yes, 0: No", ( default 0)
"MinorDOB": "<<yyyy-MM-dd>>",
"GdPrefix": "<<MR, MRS, etc>>>",
"GdDescr": <<Nominee’s Guardian Name>>,
"GdRelation": "Guardian Relation with Nominee", like : “Mother”
"GdIdType":"<<ID PROOF>>", same as IdType
"GdIdNumber": "<<ID PROOF No>>", Like : for AADHAR its UID
Continue for multiple nominees ……………..


"SUBCD": "CLA0000013",
"UCC": "A008",
"EffectDate": "2022-02-22T00:00:00",
"NomineeNo": "1",
"Prefix": "",
"Descr": "Rahul Sen",
"Percent": 50.00,
"Relation": "Son",
"Add1": "15/12, Dr SEN Road",
"Add2": "GolPark",
"Add3": "Jadavpur",
"City": "Kolkata",
"Pincode": "700019",
"State": "WB",
"Country": "IN",
"Mobile": "9038931048",
"Phone": "1234567",
"Email": "",
"IdType": "E",
"IdNumber": "529874145667",
"IsMinor": "1",
"MinorDOB": "2012-02-25T00:00:00",
"GdPrefix": "MRS",
"GdDescr": "KAVITA HP SEN",
"GdRelation": "Mother",
"GdAdd1": "15/12, Dr SEN Road",
"GdAdd2": "GolPark",
"GdAdd3": "Jadavpur",
"GdCity": "Kolkata",
"GdPincode": "700019",
"GdState": "WB",
"GdCountry": "IN",
"GdMobile": "9855558252",
"GdPhone": "75544",
"GdEmail": "",
"GdIdType": "E",
"GdIdNumber": "529874145551"


Endpoint : getClientNomineeCM2

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body
Client’s get Client Nominees details linked to the trading account with Optout

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"UCC": "<<UCC>>" OR "SUBCD" * mandatory
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"UCC": "Z999"
JSon Response:
"nomOptOutDt": "yyyy-MM-dd",
"nominees": [
"UCC": "<<UCC>>",
"EffectDate": "<<yyyy-MM-dd>>",
"NomineeNo": "<<1 to 3>>",
"Prefix": <<MR, MRS, etc>>>,
"Descr": "<<Nominee Name>>",
"Percent": "<<Nominee percentage>>", Like : “50.00”
"Relation": "<<Nominee Relation>>", Like :”Son”
"State", (West Bengal : WB) Please refer to getStateCodeList
call to get a list of States with the broker.
"Country", Like : "IN" OR “India”
"IdType": "<<ID PROOF>>",
"D" : Driving License,
"F" : NREGA Job Card,
"Z" : Others,
"C" : PAN,
"A" : Passport,
"S02" : Simple/SimplifiedID issued by a Gazetted Officer,
"S01" : SSId Issued by CG/SG/SB/RA/PSU/SCB/PFI,
"B" : Voter Identity Card
"IdNumber": "<<ID PROOF No>>", Like : for AADHAR its UID
"IsMinor": "1: yes, 0: No", ( default 0)
"MinorDOB": "<<yyyy-MM-dd>>",
"GdPrefix": "<<MR, MRS, etc>>>",
"GdDescr": <<Nominee’s Guardian Name>>,
"GdRelation": "Guardian Relation with Nominee", like : “Mother”
"GdIdType":"<<ID PROOF>>", same as IdType
"GdIdNumber": "<<ID PROOF No>>", Like : for AADHAR its UID
Continue for multiple nominees ……………..


"nomOptOutDt": "2023-07-15",
"nominees": [
"SUBCD": "CP00000413",
"UCC": "34239",
"EffectDate": "2023-06-27T00:00:00",
"NomineeNo": "1",
"Prefix": "",
"Descr": "yuvan G",
"Percent": 100.00,
"Relation": "spouse",
"Add1": "No 67, abcd nagar",
"Add2": "Nugabakam",
"Add3": "",
"City": "vellore",
"Pincode": "123456",
"State": "TN",
"Country": "IN",
"Mobile": "8072963716",
"Phone": "",
"Email": "",
"IdType": "C",
"IdNumber": "BGMPY7612R",
"IsMinor": "0",
"MinorDOB": "1900-01-01T00:00:00",
"GdPrefix": "",
"GdDescr": "",
"GdRelation": "",
"GdAdd1": "",
"GdAdd2": "",
"GdAdd3": "",
"GdCity": "",
"GdPincode": "",
"GdState": "",
"GdCountry": "",
"GdMobile": "",
"GdPhone": "",
"GdEmail": "",
"GdIdType": "",
"GdIdNumber": ""


Endpoint : getClientNomineeCDSL

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body
Client’s get Client Nominee details linked to the CDSL account

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"BoCode": "<<BO Code>>" * mandatory
"CompanyId": "<<Company Code>>"
SharePro Company Code of CDSL. A broker may have
multiple CDSL Depository Licenses.
If value is not passed, the call picks up
the first available CDSL segment in SharePro.
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"UCC": "<<UCC>>" OR "SUBCD" * mandatory
JSon Response:
"bodetails": {
"message": "BO Details",
"bodetails": [
"nomineedetails": {
"message": "Nominee Details and Minor Nominee Guardian Details",
"nominees": [ // Nominee List
"NomineeNo", (01 to 03)
"FatherNm", (Father Name)
"State", Please refer to getStateCodeList call to get
a list of States with the broker.
"pStatecd", Please refer to getStateCodeList call
to get a list of States with the broker.
"ITCircle", (IT Circle / Word / District)
"MinorFlag", (“Y” - Yes, “N” - No | If Yes then need look in
minornomineesguardian with NomineeNo)
"MinorDOB", ( Minor Date of Birth )
"Relation", "01" : Spouse ,
"02" : Son,
"03" : Daughter,
"04" : Father,
"05" : Mother,
"06" : Brother,
"07" : Sister,
"08" : Grand-Son,
"09" : Granddaughter,
"10" : Grandfather,
"11" : Grandmother,
"12" : Not Provided,
"13" : Others
"SharePer": (Nominee Share %)
"ResSecFlag": (Residual Security flag “Y” - Yes, “N” - No)
"minornomineesguardian": [ // Minor Nominee Guardian List
"NomineeNo", (01 to 03 link with Nominee List)
"FatherNm", (Father Name)
"State", Please refer to getStateCodeList call to
get a list of States with the broker.
"pStatecd", Please refer to getStateCodeList call
to get a list of States with the broker.
"MinorFlag" : (“Y” - Yes, “N” - No)
"Relation", "01" : Spouse ,
"02" : Son,
"03" : Daughter,
"04" : Father,
"05" : Mother,
"06" : Brother,
"07" : Sister,
"08" : Grand-Son,
"09" : Granddaughter,
"10" : Grandfather,
"11" : Grandmother,
"12" : Not Provided,
"13" : Others
"bodetails": {
"message": "BO Details",
"bodetails": [
"CompanyId": "06",
"BranchID": "440",
"BoCode": "CM00000003",
"FirstName": "MAHESH",
"MidName": "",
"LastName": "RAWAT",
"UCC": "",
"BenAcNum": "1204330000175862",
"PAN": "AEMPR5611Q"
"nomineedetails": {
"message": "Nominee Details and Minor Nominee Guardian Details",
"nominees": [
"NomineeNo": "01",
"FirstName": "NIRMALA",
"MidName": "",
"LastName": "RAWAT",
"Title": "MRS",
"Suffix": "",
"FatherNm": "",
"Addr2": "NAGAR",
"Addr3": "",
"State": "",
"Country": "",
"pCntrycd": "IN",
"pStatecd": "IN-WB",
"PinCode": "461111",
"Mobile": "",
"Fax": "",
"Pan": "",
"ITCircle": "",
"Email": "",
"MinorFlag": "Y",
"MinorDOB": "Jan 1 1900 12:00AM",
"Relation": "01",
"SharePer": "100.00",
"ResSecFlag": "Y"
"minornomineesguardian": [
"NomineeNo": "01",
"FirstName": "ABhishek",
"MidName": "",
"LastName": "Das",
"Title": "MR",
"Suffix": "",
"FatherNm": "",
"Addr1": "15/36, Pannashree",
"Addr2": "",
"Addr3": "",
"City": "KOLKATA",
"State": "",
"Country": "",
"pCntrycd": "IN",
"pStatecd": "IN-WB",
"PinCode": "700036",
"Mobile": "",
"Fax": "",
"Pan": "",
"ITCircle": "",
"Email": "",
"MinorFlag": "N",
"MinorDOB": "Jan 1 1900 12:00AM",
"Relation": "01"


Endpoint : getClientDetailsCDSL

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body
Client’s get besic Client details linked to the CDSL BO pending account

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"BoCode": "<<BO Code>>" * mandatory
"CompanyId": "<<Company Code>>" SharePro Company Code of CDSL.
A broker may have multiple CDSL Depository Licenses.
If value is not passed, the call picks up the first
available CDSL segment in SharePro.
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"BoCode": "CM00000021"
JSon Response:

"success": 1,
"ClientDetails": [

"success": 1,

"ClientDetails": [

"CompanyId": "06",
"BranchID": "HO",
"BoCode": "CM00000021",
"UCC": "SSL0012",
"BenAcNum": "",
"PAN": "ARFPM9512K",
"FirstName": "MITHUN5",
"MidName": "",
"LastName": "ANUSHA TE",
"Title": "Mr",
"Suffix": "Mr",
"Mobile": "8095555590",
"secMobile": "8095555591",
"Email": "MNUSHAM010@GMAIL.COM",
"secEmail": "",
"Fax": "",
"PAN1": "ARFPM9512K",
"Addr1": "W/O: DHARMARAJ H,# E-101 MANTR",
"Addr3": "KARNATAKA,560076",
"City": "BENGALURU",
"State": "KARNATAKA",
"Country": "India",
"Pincode": "560076",
"ITCircle": "",
"ProductNo": "01",
"DPIntRefNo": "5545552",
"DOB": "Jun 5 1982 12:00AM",
"Gender": "F",
"Occupation": "PV",
"GeoCode": "M",
"Education": "08",
"IncomeCode": "8",
"NationCode": "01",
"LanguageCode": "3",
"Staff_Relative": "N",
"StaffCode": "",
"Category": "01",
"SettPlanFlag": "Y",
"TaxDeduction": "2",
"GroupCode": "",
"ConfWaivedFlag": "Y",
"StmntCycle": "EM",
"POAId": "2209370000000013",
"POARegNo": "22093700",
"POASetupDate": "Nov 23 2021 12:00AM",
"POAOptr": "Y",
"GPABPA": "G",
"POAFromDate": "Nov 23 2021 12:00AM",
"POAToDate": "Jan 1 1900 12:00AM",
"POARemarks": "",
"POAPurposeCode": "4",
"ECSFlag": "Y",
"PerAddr1": "W/O DHARMARAJ H,# E-101 MANTRI",
"PerAddr3": "KARNATAKA,560076",
"PerCity": "BENGALURU",
"PerCountry": "India",
"PerPin": "560076",
"PerState": "KARNATAKA",
"PerMobile1": "8095555590",
"PerMobile2": "",
"PerEmail": "ANUSHAM009@GMAIL.COM",
"AnnualReport": "3",
"EmailRTA": "Y",
"PledgeInd": "Y",
"BSDA": "N",
"RGESSFlag": "N",
"ClrngCorpId": "00",
"ClrngMemberId": "",
"StkExchngId": "11",
"TradingId": "",
"SebiRegNo": "",
"EmailStmntFlag": "Y",
"CasMode": "",
"DisabilityFlag": "N",
"CasDepository": "",
"Aadhaar": "975845014133",
"DepAllowFlag": "N",
"DepRelation": "",
"DepDeclFlag": "N",
"POAType": "R",
"FmlyAccFlag": "N",
"SubStatus": "0003",
"RMCode": "",
"GSTIN": "",
"GSTRegDate": "Jan 1 1900 12:00AM",
"StateCd": "KNTK",
"ShMother": "",
"ThMother": "",
"ChargeCd": "",
"CitySeqNo": "01",
"InstraId": "2555845",
"PanFlag": "1",
"AddUser": "RAPI"


Endpoint : getClientRegStatus

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body
Checks whether the Client status is Active or not. Search by UCC or SUBCD or PAN no

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"UCC": "<<UCC>>"
"SUBCD": "<<SUBCD>>"
"PAN": "<<PAN>>"
"OnlineOnly": "<<1:Online, 0 :Offline>>"
* Optional ( For ignore Offline Clients sent value 1)
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"UCC": "CA009",
"SUBCD": "CA00000001",
"PAN": "AAICA0430D"
* PAN Can be returned multiple records if Closed clients have the same PAN no..
"OnlineOnly": "1"
JSon Response:
"OfflineClient": (false | true),
"RegStatus": "ACTIVE",
RegStatus status
"UCC": "A301",
"SUBCD": "CLA0000311",
"PAN": "AAICA0430D",
"OfflineClient": false,
"RegStatus": "ACTIVE"


Endpoint : getDocument

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body
The API will fetch PDF files from various sources and return to the calling program. The PDF/Image will be returned in Base64 format.

CONTRACT: It will search for the contract note of the Client, trade date and segment.

KYC: Will fetch the PDF/Image for the Client and Category

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>",
"UCC": "<<UCC>>"
"SUBCD": "<<SUBCD>>",
"documentType": – CONTRACT, KYC,
"DateFrom" , – Filter date of the document
"DateTo" , – Filter date of the document
"Segment": ,
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"UCC": "A071",
"documentType": "CONTRACT"
JSon Response:
"documentType" -- CONTRACT, KYC,
"Date", -- Upload Date Time -- Like (2/23/2022 3:36:09 PM)
"FileName", -- Like (CONTRACT_A071_NSE_20211102_16855.PDF)
"FileData": "<<PDF/Image will be returned in Base64 format.>>"
"documentType": "CONTRACT",
"UCC": "A071",
"SUBCD": "CLA0000071",
"Category": "Contract",
"Date": "2/23/2022 3:36:09 PM",
"FileName": "CONTRACT_A071_NSE_20211102_16855.PDF",
"FileData": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MwCg=="


Endpoint : getStateCodeList

Method : POST or GET | Send raw Json data in Body Get State Code Details | Get all state code list | Get state code search by Descr

Data UAT Sample
JSon Request:
"key": "<<RestAPI Key>>", * mandatory
"cSearch": "<<Search by descr>>",
"cStateCd": "<<StateCode>>",
"cGSTStateCd": "<<GSTStateCd>>",
"cGSTStateNo": "<<GSTStateNo>>"
"key": "ezhDMEI5ND4MLE3YwNH0=",
"cSearch": "West Bengal" * Optional
( If not send then show all states)
JSon Response:
"DESCR": "West Bengal",